
Monday, February 13, 2017

What a Treasure! by Jane Hillenbrand- OPTIONAL

Hillenbrand, Jane. What a Treasure!, BOARD BOOK. Holiday House, 2006. $7.99. Mole gets a new shovel and decides to dig for treasure. With each thing that he finds, he ends up giving it away to someone else who could really use it. He finds an awesome twig perfect for Bird’s nest, a delectable acorn for Squirrel’s dinner, and a beautiful shell for Snail’s new home. Mole keeps digging and finds more “treasure” when another mole pops up from below. This is one treasure he wants to keep for himself. This has a really cute ending and I liked how Mole gives away most of the things that he finds so that others who really need them can benefit. I was a little annoyed by an unnecessary snarky comment from the older mole brother, but the book was decent enough besides that. PRE-K - OPTIONAL. Reviewed by Shay, School Librarian

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