
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo by Drew Weing -ADVISABLE

Weing, Drew The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo 123 pgs. First Second, 2016. $15.99  Content:
Charles is not happy to move to Echo city. His mom and dad bought an old hotel that they are fixing up. One his first night there, he discovers there is truly a monster in his closet. Luckily another child who lives in the building gives him a business card for Margo Maloo. When she comes to take care of the problem, Charles discovers that the big city is teeming with the unexpected and he finds himself unexpectedly interested. Features well crafted comic style illustrations.
This was a fun book that students will enjoy, I get many requests for creepy graphic novels. (Though this isn’t too creepy!) I like that the main character is excited and full of interest in learning (what teacher wouldn’t!?) The artwork was cute and easy to follow. Hopefully it’s the start of a series. My only issue is that the dad finds a pack of risqué playing cards, and it shows a swimsuit laden woman on the front. Did we really need to have that in a young readers book? I hope I don't get any upset parents. (Believe me, they will notice).

EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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