
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Into The Abyss by Stefanie Gaither - OPTIONAL

Gaither, Stefanie Into The Abyss (Falls the Shadow #2), 341 pgs. Simon and Schuster, 2016. Language: PG (11 swears, 3 deity, 0 'f')) Mature Content: PG Violence: PG-13 

It's been 6 months since Violet woke up and she doesn't remember any of the incidents leading up to the Huxley Corporation activating all the clones.  While the CCA (Clone Control Advocacy) claim to want her help stopping the renegade clones, too many there don't trust her and will do what is necessary to get rid of her.  Even the human recruits she is training to fight the clones don't trust her.  And then there is Seth.  He is always trying to get her to leave with him, but he's hiding something so she does her best to avoid him.  After being ambushed one night by her allies, she decides it’s time to take her chances out on her own.  

This was a pretty slow start.  I liked that it was from a different character's perspective from the previous book, I liked some of the ethical questions about cloning, and I liked Seth, but I tired of Violet ruminating on everything.  I suppose there is reason to ponder when you're a clone and don't know where you fit in but I could have done without most of it.  There were a couple of twists and turns that kept me going but I wasn't ever truly invested in the story.  There are still a few issues to resolve so I’m pretty certain another book will be coming, hopefully not from Violet’s perspective.    

MS, HS - OPTIONAL Reviewer: RB

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