
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Groundhog’s Runaway Shadow by David Biedrzycki - OPTIONAL

Biedrzycki, David Groundhog’s Runaway Shadow. PICTURE BOOK. Charlesbridge, 2016. $16.95. Content: G. 

Phil the groundhog has a shadow that has a mind of its own and sometimes does not go along with what Phil wants to do. Frustrated, Phil suggests his shadow leave—and his shadow does just that and travels the world without him. Phil realizes he is lonely without his shadow and goes in search of it. They find each other again and never part ways again—except occasionally on February 2nd

I found this to be a strange book due to its supposed Groundhog Day connection. If the title character was not a groundhog, it would be a funny story about a guy and his shadow. By connecting it to the groundhog, it just got strange and did not fit into my established understanding of the groundhog story. As such, it’s a nice story and the shadow’s antics might make kids laugh but I was not a big fan.  

EL (K-3)—OPTIONAL. Reviewer: TC

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