
Friday, February 24, 2017

George Washington’s Spies (Totally True Adventures) by Claudia Friddell -OPTIONAL

Fridell, Claudia George Washington’s Spies (Totally True Adventures) NON-FICTION. 89 pgs. Random House, 2016. $4.99
This story introduces George Washington’s entry into the Revolutionary War. Next we find out that his first attempt at placing a spy failed. He then creates a spy network, called the Culper Spy Ring. Each member is introduced to the reader and the adventure starts. We learn about ciphers and codes names. We discover that the members helped to stop a British counterfeiting scheme. Then along comes the infamous benedict Arnold who throws a wrench into everything. Features illustrations throughout. 
This is both fascinating and super confusing. Even with a firm foundation in revolutionary war history, this book presents just a boatload of information in a short stretch of pages. Additionally there is just a ton of names (and code names) to this book not to mention places. I probably wouldn’t add this book to my school library but a student who was going through a revolutionary war buff stage would love to get this as a gift.

EL –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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