
Monday, February 13, 2017

Caroline’s Comets: A True Story by Emily McCully -ADVISABLE

McCully, Emily Caroline’s Comets: A True Story PICTURE BOOK. 31 pgs. Holiday House, 2017. $16.95
Born in the mid 1700’s Caroline didn’t have much hope of a life beyond cleaning and sewing, it just wasn’t a time period where women had the same opportunities as men. Lucky for her she had a big brother who believed in her. First he helped her to learned to sing and to make her own income. Next he wanted to build a telescope and he knew she could help. When he started to discover starts and even a planet, Caroline was right there with him, learning everything about astronomy. When the time was right she had a few discoveries of her own, becoming the first professional woman scientist. Features water color illustrations.
Of course I love biographies of accomplished woman! I loved that her big brother thought so highly of her! The book started with a quote from her autobiography and I wish it had included more, she lived to be 98 years old so I image that she had more to say. Teachers from K-6 could easily share this with a class on topics ranging from history, astronomy, or women in science. I didn’t care for illustrations, the watercolor is just blurry and sloppy, making it difficult to share with a large group.

EL(K-3), EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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