
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ticktock Banneker’s Clock by Shana Keller - ADVISABLE

Keller, Shana Ticktock Banneker’s Clock, illustrated by David C. Gardner.  PICTURE BOOK.  Sleeping Bear, 2016.  $17.

The life of a free black man in the 1700’s was not easy, but Benjamin Banneker had a quick, agile mind and was good friends with his town neighbors.  When he saw his first pocket watch, he had to know what made it tick.  And then he wanted to make one of his own.  It took him two years, but he made a larger version, a standing clock, using wood for everything except the bell. 

What a tragedy that only days after his death almost everything Banneker had created was lost in a fire.  I am curious to read more about him myself.  A great book to talk about the time period or about African American inventors.

EL – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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