
Monday, January 23, 2017

The Secret Life of Lincoln Jones by Wendelin Van Draanen - ADVISABLE

Van Draanen, Wendelin  The Secret Life of Lincoln Jones, 262 pgs.  Alfred A. Knopf, 2016.  $16.99  Content: Language: G; Violence: PG-13; Mature Content: PG.  

Lincoln and his mother had to flee their old town because of an abusive boyfriend.  He is in a new school and his Southern accent is getting him attention and although the girls find it cute, the boys bully him about it.  Lincoln also spends his days after school at his mom’s work, a home for those with Alzheimer’s and dementia.  When a girl named Kandi Kane starts to impose herself on Lincoln’s quiet writing time at school, it stresses Lincoln out.  With all this change, Lincoln is challenged to get to know those around him. 

Lincoln is a very lovable character.  I enjoyed the story line, the minor characters and the character growth.  It is well paced and entertaining.  The content is hard to give a rating.  Lincoln makes up stories and one time there is a killer who gets stabbed in the heart—it’s not graphic, but I think that pushes it to PG-13.  Also references to hiding and getting hit by the abusive boyfriend.  The other area I don’t know where to put is there are a couple of deaths of the older folks that Lincoln witnesses first hand and one older woman likes to take her clothes off and dance naked-I guess I put that as mature content PG.  All that said I thoroughly enjoyed this novel.  

MS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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