
Friday, January 27, 2017

Teddy Mars Almost a World Record Breaker by Molly Burnham -ESSENTIAL

Burnham, Molly Teddy Mars Almost a World Record Breaker 215 pgs. Katherine teagen books (harper Collins), 2015. $6.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
Teddy has a big family so he never quiet gets enough attention. To make matters worse he has a little brother named Jake, who he has nicknamed the Destructor, and he drives Teddy nuts. Teddy loves World Record Books and wants to someday break his own record. In the meantime he has taken a job feeding the pigeons that the elderly man next door own. It seems like Jake ruins everything for him, so Teddy moves into a tent in the backyard. Will he ever get away from his brother? Will he make money from his new job? Will he break a world Record?
This book was a fantastic read! I thought it was hilarious, had a ton of heart, and would be easy for young readers to relate to. I know plenty of 3-5 grade boys that are obsessed with World Record books and this would be a great fiction book to get them reading. My only complaint is that Jake really is destructive and its so hard to read Teddy having to deal with all the chaos that causes over and over again, completely without intervention from his parents, who seem overwhelmed. Teddy learns many life lessons in this book, making it a great read a loud for a classroom as well.  

EL– ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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