
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Marvin and the Moths by Matthew Holm - OPTIONAL

Holm, Matthew and Jonathan Follett Marvin and the Moths 368 pages. Scholastic Press, 2016.  $16.99.  Content: Language:  PG  Mature Content: PG  Violence:  PG

Marvin Watson has just started middle school.  Unfortunately for him, his very popular and much richer cousin Little Stevie is attending the same school and likes to pick on him.  Marvin ends up befriending Lee, nick-named “Smell-Lee” since he has an awful odor constantly emanating from him.  Their trio is rounded out with Fatima Curie, dubbed “Robot Girl” because of the metal and electronics that surround her.  At home, Marvin’s mother just had a baby and when his bedroom gets turned into the nursery, he is moved up to the attic.  It is up in the attic where he first encounters the three giant, talking moths.   Marvin lives in the town of Butcherville, home of Pork Loaf International, the company that makes the world famous Pork Loaf Log Roll.  It is discovered that Marvin’s experiments with some of the Pork Loaf products may be the cause of the giant moths as wells as the Elephant Vampire crisis that the town is suffering from.  Animals, including Big ‘Un, the giant elephant at the zoo, are going missing.  Add in a giant, Shakespeare-quoting spider and you have an interesting read. 

The story is accompanied by many full-page illustrations as well as short interludes that give the background of the mysterious Elephant Vampire.  The book definitely has an interesting cast of characters that middle school students may be able to relate to.  The ending of the book lends itself to a sequel. Readers may be familiar with Holm’s other work, including the Squish and Babymouse series.  Unfortunately, I think this book will appeal to a small population of students. 

MS – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer:  Nancy W.

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