
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Freedom in Congo Square by Carol Boston Weatherford - ADVISABLE

Weatherford, Carole Boston Freedom in Congo Square, illustrated by R. Gregory Christie. PICTURE BOOK. Little bee Books (Bonnier Publishing Group) 2016. $17.99. Content: G

Congo Square is a free space set aside in New Orleans for enslaved people to meet, sing, dance and socialize with each other on Sunday afternoons.  This picture book, told in verse,  counts down the days until they can meet at Congo Square.  Each day lists the tasks or trouble or work that the slaves endured, and then Congo Square time - with music and dancing - a half of a day where they can forget themselves as if they have no cares.  

This book is a celebration! The poetry and the illustrations show how terrible their lives were (so busy, difficult, despair) and then the mood totally changes when they are at Congo Square.  I great introduction to some of the hardships of the enslaved.  

EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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