
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ada Lovelace, Poet of Science: The First Computer Programmer by Bethany Stanley-ADVISABLE

Stanley, Bethany, ill. by Jessie Hartland. Ada Lovelace, Poet of Science: The First Computer Programmer. Simon and Schuster, 2016. $17.99. INFORMATION

Daughter of Lady and Lord Byron, Ada had a love for creativity as well as numbers and science. As she grew older, her love for these never died. When her husband Charles Babbage came up with the idea for a self-computing analytical machine, Ada and Charles were excited to put their design to work. This is the story of how Ada helped Charles to convert the design and how she became the first computer programmer.
The layout is well done and easy to follow. The information is useful and intriguing. The illustrations are fairly detailed and colorful and easily complement the text. Readers interested in computer programming, Ada Lovelace, and/or biographies about women who changed the world will enjoy reading this book. Included are a timeline, sources for further information, and glossary for further common core alignment. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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