
Friday, December 23, 2016

Wonder Woman at Super Hero High by Lisa Yee - ADVISABLE

Yee, Lisa Wonder Woman at Super Hero High 237 pgs. Random House, 2016. $13.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
Wonder Woman has always lived with her mother on Paradise Island, the home of the Amazon women warriors. Now she is excited to attend Super Hero High to learn more super hero skills. But she is innocent in many ways and often doesn’t read other students and situations quite right, sometimes to her benefit and sometimes to her detriment. Never the less she is making friends, being challenged, and is saving the day. Someone doesn’t want Wonder Women at the school and is leaving threatening notes. Then there’s the Super Triathlon coming up, with so much on her plate will Wonder Woman succeed?
The author has done a wonderful job creating a fully fleshed out world, with a non-linear and interesting plot. Student readers will love the relate able situations and the magical abilities. I am honestly not sure how appealing Wonder Woman will be to readers though, would need a test run to see if students were interested. The series reminds me of Ever After High by Shannon Hale. The complex plot and length of the book is better suited to upper elementary, the wholesomeness would keep it there as well, rather than pushing it to middle school.

 EL – ADVISABLE  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

1 comment:

  1. It's done well in my middle school, but I was ridiculously irked when they called her "Wondy". Really? Not just Diana?
