
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Press Start! Game Over, Super Rabbit Boy! By Thomas Flintham -OPTIONAL

Flintham, Thomas Press Start! Game Over, Super Rabbit Boy! 72 pgs. Scholastic, 2017. $15.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
This is the story of a boy with a handheld gaming device. He is playing a game where Super Rabbit Boy must rescue Singing Dog from the King Viking. He goes through many levels and adventures only to be defeated again and again. Will the boy playing the game give up?
Reading this book was exactly like playing a video game, including repeating levels after you die. I could see parents giving children this book in lieu of game time. It was a fun read, but I sort of felt cheated, like I played a video game without the fun of playing the game. Super wholesome and easy to read though, I think first thru second graders would enjoy this book.

EL(K-3) –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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