
Saturday, December 17, 2016

I am the Mountain Mouse by Gianna Marino - OPTIONAL

Marino, Gianna I am the Mountain Mouse.  PICTURE BOOK.  Viking (Penguin Random House), 2016. $16.99. 

This picture book is comprised of four short stories, all of which feature the same set of mice. The one white mouse boasts to the others about how high he can climb, how well he can dive and how brave he is.  However, all of his escapades end up leading to some sort of disaster.  I found the stories to be formulaic with just a change in setting.  The white mouse was actually pretty unlikable as a character, being greedy and bossy. The short stories in one book and the boxed, multiple illustrations on each page make this a first graphic “novel” of sorts.   

Pre-K, EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer:  Nancy W.

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