
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hattie Peck by Emma Levey - ADVISABLE

Levey, Emma Hattie Peck. PICTURE BOOK. Top That Publishing, 2016 $16.99.  

Hattie Peck is the epitome of a mother hen.  She loves eggs, but alas has only ever laid one of her own and it never hatched.  Unhappy with her lot in life, Hattie sets off on a world-wide adventure to rescue and care for all the forgotten eggs in the world.  No matter the shape, size or color, Hattie will save and hatch them all. 

This heartwarming story of a mother hen who just wants her own egg to hatch a darling adventure tale.  Hattie's escapades traveling across mountains and oceans will really engage readers.  This tale is great for teaching story predictions as the readers can try and guess which animals will hatch at the end. 

EL (K-3) --ADVISABLE Gina, Media Specialist

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