
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Find the Constellations by H.A. Rey - ADVISABLE

Rey H.A. Find the Constellations NON-FICTION 72 pgs. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016. $9.99. Content: G.  

Have you ever wished you could find the constellations in the night sky yourself? Well, “Curious George” creator H.A. Rey published a great how-to book in 1954 that has been updated for today’s audience. He shows how to find and identify more than 2 dozen constellations. There are even places to quiz yourself - - can you identify the connected stars to tell which constellation, and can you identify the constellation by just the star pattern? 

He shows what the night sky looks like in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, and gives advice for stargazing. He shows how to identify the planets in the night sky, the different star magnitudes, and which stars are the first you see in the evening. Fully illustrated by H.A. Rey, includes an index, glossary, a planet finder (through 2026) a list of the brightest stars and a timetable for sky-viewing. Updates include current data and statistics on the planets and the solar system, Pluto’s reclassification as a dwarf planet is explained, and the publisher has included a link to an online planet locator accurate to 2100  (web address located on the back cover - I had to search a bit to find it.). A very interesting and informative read, don’t be misled - it looks like a reprint of an old book - but it’s up to date, timely and a great way to learn how to “Find the Constellations.”  

EL, MS - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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