
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Clara: The (Mostly) True Story of the Rhinoceros by Emily McCully - ADVISABLE

McCully, Emily Arnold Clara: The (Mostly) True Story of the Rhinoceros Who Dazzled Kings, Inspired Artists, and Won the Hearts of Everyone...While She Ate Her Way Up and Down a Continent. PICTURE BOOK. Schwartz and Wade Books, 2016 $17.99. 

Clara was an orphaned rhinoceros that captivated the hearts of people all across Europe.  Born around 1740, Clara's mother had been killed and she was adopted and treated as a loving pet.  When Captain Van der Meer visited the family caring for Clara, he was instantly captivated with her and wanted to share his fascination with the world.  Thus began Clara's global adventure.  Many people in Europe believed rhinos to be mythical creatures, to see one in the flesh was life changing.  

Clara's journey is remarkable considering the time period.  The author takes a lot of liberties to the true events, but it is a delightful story.  The author's note at the back of the book was also a great read, giving insights into the time period and explaining why Clara was allowed to be kept in captivity and put on exhibition for most of her life. 

EL--ADVISABLE Gina, Media Specialist

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