
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Canada: Year by Year by Elizabeth MacLeod - OPTIONAL

MacLeod, Elizabeth Canada: Year by Year, illustrated by Sydney Smith. PICTURE BOOK. Kids Can Press, 2016. $21.95. Content: G

Each year of Canada’s history—from 1867 to 2017—is highlighted in this illustrated history. Each year has a few paragraphs devoted to a particular topic from Canadian history. In 1867 it’s the birth of the nation, 1894 the Carnaval de Quebec and 2017 will be the 150th birthday of the country. Every page has illustrations, and there is a large section of “Great Canadians” at the back. Overall this is a nice book and it was interesting to learn more about Canada. The writing is such that a young reader could understand it, and the illustrations make it appealing and approachable. That being said, this is more like an encyclopedia and I do not know that many people would sit down and read it cover-to-cover. It might be a nice reference to have in a school library for students doing light research about Canada.  


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