
Monday, November 14, 2016

Why am I Here? by Constance Orbeck-Nilssen - ESSENTIAL

Orbeck-Nilssen, Constance  Why am I Here?  Illustrated by Akin Duzakin  PICTURE BOOK  Norla, 2016 (Eerdmans).  $16.99  Content: G.  

A child is sitting on an island with a telescope, wondering why he is where he is.  He contemplates all of the different places that children are living and the conditions that they are faced with.  He thinks about remote locations, people who are at war, people who are refugees or working people.  In the end, he decides that wherever he is it will be home.  

The illustrations in this book are simple but powerful.  I think this is a great way to talk about what other children in the world are faced with without it being overwhelming.  A good introduction to the different lives children live in this world.  

EL (K-3), EL – ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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