
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Suite for Human Nature by Diane Lampert - OPTIONAL

Lampert, Diane Charlotte Suite for Human Nature illustrated by Eric Puybaret. PICTURE BOOK. Atheneum Books For Young Readers, 2016 $17.99.

This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of Mother Nature and her attempt to create a child of her own.  In her first attempt she creates a child called Fear whom she leaves in the care of humans while she is away tending to the seasons of the world.  When she returns she finds that Fear has created discord amongst those who have been caring for him.  Mother Nature tries again and again to make a child but each time falling short of what she had hoped for.  She creates Envy, Greed, Fickle, and Hate until finally finding the perfect combination in twins called Love.  

If I were to rate this book on illustrations alone, it would be a must have for everyone.  It is stunningly illustrated in such a whimsical way that it draws you in immediately.  Unfortunately, for a picture book geared to a young audience, the story itself is a little difficult to understand.  The concept of human nature is not one that children have a lot of background with.  The ending of the story comes rather abruptly and I had to read it a second time to figure out when the author had started the wrap up for the conclusion. If you have this book on your shelf kids will be immediately be drawn to it by the cover alone, however for many the story will go right over their heads.

EL--OPTIONAL Gina, Media Specialist

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