
Monday, November 28, 2016

Poor Unfortunate Soul: A Tale of the Sea Witch-ADVISABLE

Valentino, Serena, Poor Unfortunate Soul: A Tale of the Sea Witch. Disney Hyperion, 2016. $17.99.  Language: G, Mature Content: G, Violence: G

Who was Ursula the Sea Witch? What possessed her to steal Ariel’s voice and almost her soul? How did she become at odds with King Triton? Learn the back story of Ursula and how, in search for unfortunate souls, she became one herself.

The story is well written, detailed, and sheds a new light on the classic Disney version of the story. The characters are true to the originals, but are also more developed. Fans of Little Mermaid will enjoy reading this newest version of the tale. EL. ADVISABLE

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