
Friday, November 4, 2016

Letting Go by Janet Morgan Stoeke -- ADVISABLE

Stoeke, Janet Morgan Letting Go (The Loopy Coop Hens #3). PICTURE BOOK. Dial Books (Penguin Group), 2013. $13.55.

When Midge, Pip, and Dot notice apples falling from a nearby tree, they are certain a fruit-throwing fox is responsible. A brave Dot explores further, and she discovers three things: 1) there's no fox in the tree, 2) the apples just let go, and 3) the view from the top branch is gorgeous.

Both the words and illustrations are simple and convey the story clearly and well. Details such as Dot's hard hat will likely make children giggle. This could be a nice opener for a unit on myths, as the chickens are trying to explain nature in a way that makes sense for them before they discover the scientific reasons for it. Although this is part of a series, it stands alone perfectly.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewed by Sydney G., Elementary Library Media Specialist

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