
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

From Seed to Sunflower by Mari Schuh -ADVISABLE

Schuh, Mari From Seed to Sunflower 24 pgs. Lerner, 2017. $24.99  NON-FICTION
This book details the steps a sunflower goes through from seed to seedling to flowering plant. It provides quite a bit of information about the size of the plant, how it obtains its energy, and pollination. Big bright photographs accompany each stage in the process.
This series is impressive, with appealing covers and it is sized just right for student’s hands. The photographs are often close-ups and could be easily shared with a group. For reading on their own, this text would work best for a second grader and up. I already have a book similar to this but its geared for more of a Pre-k reading level, so this will be a welcome addition to the collection.

EL(K-3) –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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