
Friday, October 14, 2016

You Should Meet Women Who Launched the Computer Age by Laurie Calkhoven -ADVISABLE

Calkhoven, Laurie  You Should Meet Women Who Launched the Computer Age (Level #3 Early Reader) 48 pgs. Simon, 2016 $3.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
This is the incredible story of a group of women who programmed the ENIAC computer in the mid-1940’s as part of a World War II project. They were hired for their skills in math and accomplished incredible strides in the programming. Each of the women are introduced individually and we learn about their motivations and accomplishments. Many facts are listed, including how they were not recorded in the history of the ENIAC computer and that photographs of them at work listed them as models! It wasn’t until a college student dug into the history that she discovered their forgotten role. Tons of full color illustrations.
This book would be 100% essential except that it’s an early reader that is about a complex topic, which is a format vs reading level issue. I really don’t think that a second grader (who would be level 3 reader) would understand World War 2 and women’s role in the that time period. I feel like this should have been presented as an upper grade picture book, which would make it essential to share with a group. The illustrations are just stellar!!!

EL(K-3) –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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