
Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Doorway and the Deep by K.E. Ormsbee - ESSENTIAL

Ormsbee, K. E. The Doorway and the Deep (The Water and the Wild #2) 407 pages, Chronicle Books, 2016. $16.99, 

Content: G 

We return to the world of Limn were Lottie and her friends are about to embark on their most dangerous quest yet.  As Lottie is sharpening her keen and Eliot’s health is getting worse as he lives in Limn, a deal is struck about Lottie and her friends behind their back.  They must travel north and find the one thing that can kill the evil king of the south.  When Lottie finds out just how famous her heritage is and just how dangerous her quest is, she starts to doubt herself and the power of her keen, and if her keen is actually usable.  Can Lottie and her friends succeed, or will they be forever under the rule of the evil king?  

This book was also really good, and was the sequel to The Water and the Wild.  I would rate this book ten out of five stars because it was really great and I loved reading it.  


Student Reviewer: JM(8th grade)

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