
Friday, October 28, 2016

Milestones of Flight: From Hot Air Balloons to SpaceShipOne by Tim Grove - ESSENTIAL

Grove, Tim Milestones of Flight: From Hot Air Balloons to SpaceShipOne NON FICTION 104 pgs. Abrams, 2016. $21.95. Content: G.  

The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum has the largest collection of air and space memorabilia in the world.  This history of flight takes the reader from 18th century ballooning to the Wright Brothers, wind tunnels, the Spirit of St. Louis, Boeing Jets, Sputnik, the Space Race, and SpaceShipOne (a commercial flight into outer space) and everything in between.  A great springboard to get the basic information and then find a larger source on the specific topic. 

Full of illustrations, photographs (many of the objects in the Smithsonian itself) a glossary, time line, and a bibliography, this is a fascinating book, and a quick read.  Each milestone is only 2-3 pages long, and it doesn’t have to be read in order; skim through and read what looks the most interesting to you!  


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