
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Lucy & Andy Neanderthal by Jeffrey Brown - ADVISABLE

Brown, Jeffrey  Lucy & Andy Neanderthal. 237 pages Crown Book for Young Readers (imprint of  Random House Children’s Books), 2016. $12.99. Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”), violence: PG  (stabbing of a mammoth)

Lucy and Andy Neanderthal are just your regular teenage kids who deal with everyday teenage issues: parents, friends, crushes….and mammoths! Life in the stone age is full of adventures.  They hunt for food, make clothes and tools, and even chase after runaway baby brothers.  Crazy uncles, know it all sisters and saber toothed pets dot the storyline.

A fun and informative look at what life may have been like in the stone age.  Cute coming-of-age characters and fun facts about neanderthal daily life such as hunting, cooking, tool making, and social customs.  Written in graphic novel style. The neanderthals entertain while simultaneously educating. This is a quick read that is sure to appeal to young readers.  

EL (K-3), EL - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jen M. Elementary Librarian.

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