
Saturday, October 22, 2016

I Am So Bored! by Henrike Wilson - ADVISABLE

Wilson, Henrike I Am So Bored! PICTURE BOOK.  Sky Pony Press (Skyhorse Publishing), 2016.  $16.99.

Most children have uttered the phrase, "I'm bored!" at least once in their lives.  Therefore, they will be able to relate to this story where little bear is so bored.  With no one to play with, he wanders aimlessly until he lies down in the grass and does nothing.  Through the senses of sight, sound, smell and touch he is suddenly aware of all the wonderful things around him.  

This story shows children, that like little bear, they can make their own fun. This book was published in Germany in 2015 and translated into English by Connie Stradling Morby.  The illustrations are simple but colorful.  This book can be used as a starting off point for students in practicing using their senses as they explore outside like little bear. 

Pre-K, EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer:  Nancy W.

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