
Monday, October 17, 2016

Give it Up by Stephanie Perry Moore-OPTIONAL

Moore, Stephanie Perry, Give it Up. Pgs. 119. Darbycreek, 2013. $9.99. Language; PG-13, Mature Content: PG-13, Violence: PG-13

When a list goes out that paints 5 innocent girls as easy to get laid, 5 different worlds are torn apart. As Sanna returns from Christmas Break, she thought she had a boyfriend who reciprocated her love. When she gets to school, however, she finds a note from a dead girl named Leah and realizes she’s been placed #1 on the SWOOP list of girls who are easy. The only person who could’ve put her name on there: her boyfriend, Miles. Humiliated, betrayed, and bullied for being on the list, Sanaa turns to the only other people who could understand what she’s going through, the other girls on the list. Will the 5 girls find a way to survive being swooped? Will they be able to overcome their difference and past histories with each other? Who put their names on the list? Who is Leah?

Although the characters are likable and engaging, the plot is hard to swallow. Having 5 different points of view is confusing and detracts sometimes from the story. Low reading level or at-risk students, however, will relate to the issues the 5 girls face and appreciate the role models the girls provide.

MS - NO, HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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