
Friday, October 28, 2016

Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova - ADVISABLE

Chmakova, Svetlana Awkward, GRAPHIC NOVEL, 225 pgs. Yen Press LLC, 2015. Language: G (0 swears, 0 F) Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (bullying).  

On Peppi’s first day of middle school, she breaks cardinal rule #1 - don’t get noticed by the mean kids.  She also is mean to Jaime, who just stopped to help her.  Being mean really bothers her! She’s not a mean person, but she did a mean thing.  Finding other kids who like art, Peppi joins the art club - whose arch rivals are across the hall in science club.  Both groups have managed to get in trouble with the principal and are in danger of being dissolved - unless they come up with a project that is helpful to the school.  

This graphic novel will be snatched up by the Smile, Roller Girl, Sunnyside Up crowd.  A fun message (mostly about dealing with bullies) with a lot of middle school drama. I loved the section in the back where Chmakova shows her process and talks about making a graphic novel. 

EL, MS - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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