
Friday, October 14, 2016

Around America to With the Vote by Mara Rockliff - OPTIONAL

Rockliff, Mara  Around America to With the Vote Illustrated by Hadley Hooper PICTURE BOOK  Candlewick Press, 2016.  $16.99  Content: G.  

Two women set out across America to rally support for women’s right to vote.  Alice Burke and Nell Richardson drove a little yellow car across the country in 1916, when not many roads were in great condition.  They waded through bad weather, un-receptive crowds and car trouble to spread their message that women should have the right to vote.  

This book focuses more on the journey than it does on the message of women suffragists.  The illustrations are bright and have a lot of yellow, which was a color symbolizing attention for women’s right to vote.  There didn’t seem to be much of a story, more of a travel log, but the bright illustrations might grab young reader’s attention.  

EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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