
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Annabelle at the South Pole by R. W. Alley - ADVISABLE

Alley, R.W. Annabelle at the South Pole. PICTURE BOOK. Clarion Books, 2016. $14.99. Content: G.

On a cold, snowy day Annabelle’s siblings get just a little too annoying, so she heads out into the storm to find the South Pole. In her imaginary adventure that follows, she makes friends with the abominable snow giant and saves the actual South Pole from the Wizard of the World and his gang (her siblings!). Upon her return home, the whole group quietly and calmly enjoys hot chocolate together. 

This is a simple, fun and beautiful little book. I love how characters from the “real world” at the beginning of the story, transform and come to life in Annabelle’s imaginary world. The illustrations are fun and approachable. This would make a great winter time story to share in a read aloud. 

Pre-K, EL (K-3), EL—ADVISABLE. Reviewer: TC

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