
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines - OPTIONAL

Glines, Abbi  Until Friday Night, 328 pgs.  Simon Pulse, 2015.  $10.99  Content: Language: R (Swears: 100+; “F” 54); Mature Content: R (on page sex); Violence: PG.   

Maggie has not talked for two years, ever since she saw her father murder her mother.  Now, Maggie has moved in with her aunt and uncle and her cousin Brady.  Brady is protective of Maggie and has warned all of his friends away from her, but Brady’s best friend West is going through his own hardships and needs someone who will just listen to him.  West and Maggie gravitate towards each other and start to build a friendship because of their shared pain.   

This story line was compelling and I felt empathy for the characters.  I liked the friendships throughout.  That said, this book is full of adult content and feels like it belongs in the New Adult genre except for the characters are in high school.  

HS - OPTIONAL  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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