
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Science Comics: Coral Reefs Cities of the Ocean by Maris Wicks - ESSENTIAL

Wicks, Maris  Science Comics: Coral Reefs Cities of the Ocean, 111 pgs  First Second, 2016 (Macmillian).  $9.99  GRAPHIC NOVEL  Content: G.  

In this brightly illustrated graphic novel,  a little yellow fish takes us through a scientific explanation of coral reefs.  There are five different chapters that include: what is coral, how and why coral reefs are formed, the coral reef ecosystem, how coral reefs are connected to the rest of the planet and how we can help the coral reefs which will help the planet.  Each chapter has a simplified explanation that makes coral reefs more understandable.   

This is perfect readable science with great pictures to keep the reader’s interest.  I loved the adorable little yellow narrator fish and the funny side notes made throughout.  The illustrations are fantastic.  This is a must for science classes!   

EL, MS – ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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