
Friday, September 30, 2016

Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz - ESSENTIAL

Gratz, Alan Projekt 1065, 320 pages.  Scholastic Press, 2016.  $17.  Language: G (4 swears, 0 ‘f’); Violence: PG-13 (deaths and beatings); Mature Content: G.

When World War II is raging in Germany, Michael O’Shaunessey’s father is Ireland’s ambassador to Germany – the only country that still has an embassy in Germany.  In order to help his father, Michael goes to a German school and participates in Jungvolk, the precursor to Hitler’s Youth.  Michael’s parents also happen to be spies.  In order to help them he has to get close to a certain boy in his class.  Against their better judgment, Michael will have to pass the brutal trials for Hitler’s Youth and help his target. 

Gratz has added another dimension to our knowledge of life in Germany during World War II and to information about Hitler Youth specifically.  I was fascinated and repulsed in equal measure.  The last couple chapters of the book get  little fantastic, but I forgive all of that for the thrill.

MS, HS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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