
Monday, September 12, 2016

Prissy & Pop: Big Day Out by Melissa Nicholson -OPTIONAL

Nicolson, Melissa Prissy & Pop: Big Day Out Harper Collins, 2016. $17.99 PICTURE BOOK
This is a little story about the real pigs Prissy and Pop as they get ready for the day, eat breakfast, go shopping, and head out to the beach. It features real photographs of the two pigs, dressed up in the different scenes.
This is an adorable book that young readers will love, especially since the pigs are real, and their further adventures can be followed on instagram. The story is simple and cute, good for Pre-K to K readers. The photographs are large and colorful. The only reason I am listing it as optional is because for a school library, it doesn’t add much educationally, it’s a just for fun read.

PRE-K, EL –OPTIONAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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