
Monday, September 12, 2016

Compass South by Hope Larson - ESSENTIAL

Larson, Hope  Compass South, 224 pgs.  Illustrated by Rebecca Mock  Farrar Straus Giroux, 2016.  $17.99  GRAPHIC NOVEL  Content: Language: G; Violence: PG; Mature Content: PG.   

Alex and Cleo are twins who after losing their father join a gang.  When Alex is caught during a robbery, Alex and Cleo inform the police about the gang to trade for their freedom, but then they have to leave town so they won’t be punished by the gang.  They decide to try and pass off as missing twin boys to a man in San Francisco, but when they get separated they each have their own adventures.   

My 12 year old daughter read this graphic novel first, and loved it so much that she had me read it.  The illustrations are fantastic and the story line is compelling.  We can’t wait for the next book in the series.   

EL, MS – ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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