
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Captain Awesome Meets Super Dude! by Stan Kirby - OPTIONAL

Kirby, Stan  Captain Awesome Meets Super Dude!, 150 pgs.  Illustrated by George O'Connor Little Simon, 2016.  $16.99 CHAPTER BOOK Content: G.   

Eugene and his friends love Super Dude, a superhero that inspired them to be superheroes too.  Super Dude is coming to visit a comic store, but Eugene doesn’t know if he will be the real Super Dude or an impersonator.  Eugene dresses up as Captain Awesome (his superhero persona) and is surprised by how awesome his hero is.   

This book has way too much going on.  I wondered throughout if I needed to have read other Captain Awesome books and I thought the “bad guys” were a bit ridiculous (especially because they were often just vegetables or a slobbery dog).  There seemed to be a lot of missing back information.  The illustrations are cute and in black and white and the cover is bright and attractive.   

EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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