
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bring me some Apples and I’ll make you a Pie: A story about Edna Lewis by Robbin Gourley -ADVISABLE

Gourley, Robbin Bring me some Apples and I’ll make you a Pie: A story about Edna Lewis Houghton, 2009. $6.99 PICTURE BOOK
This is a picture book inspired by the childhood of famous chef Edna Lewis. She grew up finding and gathering the food of the spring, summer and fall with her family. They gathered wild strawberries, wild greens, harvest farm books all while saying rhymes, singing songs, and talking about what they were going to make. Features simple water color illustrations.
I swear this book was written just to make readers hungry! It’s a great lesson for farm to table and makes you hungry for real food. This would be a great story to read to students starting or introducing them to a school/community garden, to talk about real food vs junk food, or to have them brain storm recipes that include real food. Also a great peek into traditional southern foods. Farmers market here I come!

EL – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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