
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Bike Like Sergio’s by Maribeth Boelts - OPTIONAL

Boelts, Maribeth A Bike Like Sergio’s, illustrated by Noah Z. Jones.  Candlewick, 2016.  $16. 

Ruben’s family doesn’t have as money as his friend Sergio’s family, so when he finds a $100 bill that a lady dropped in the local market, he instinct is to keep it and buy himself a bike.  When he runs into the lady at the store another time, he realizes that he needs to return it, even though it is a hard decision to make.

Message books are hard to write, but Boelts does pretty good.  There is plenty here to talk to students about; I see this more in a classroom than in a home.

EL (K-3) – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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