
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Very LIttle Sleeping Beauty by Teresa Heapy, illustrated by Sue Heap - ADVISABLE

Heapy, Teresa.  Very Little Sleeping Beauty, illustrated by Sue Heap.  Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, 2016.  $16.99.  PICTURE BOOK.

It was the night before Very Little Sleeping Beauty’s birthday and she couldn’t sleep.  Her daddy sang songs, read stories, danced, tickled, and jumped with her on the bed.  She still needed her blanket, bear and a drink.  Aunt Fairy brought her a spinning wheel and Very Little Sleeping Beauty broke it.  Aunt Fairy yelled and Very Little Sleeping Beauty cried. Daddy helped them make up, but by the time Very Little Sleeping Beauty went to bed it was late.  She slept through her party the next day and until the night.  So they had a pajama party instead.  Very Little can be found in a couple of other fairytale rewrites: Very Little Red Riding Hood and Very Little Cinderella.  Very Little is very like most little girls her age and will appeal to their imaginations.  The illustrations are bright, colorful, and imaginative.  This new spin on Sleeping Beauty is a great choice to put your own little sleeping beauty to bed.   
Pre-K - ADVISABLE.  Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.   

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