
Thursday, August 11, 2016

The William Hoy Story by Nancy Churnin - ESSENTIAL

Churnin, Nancy  The William Hoy Story  Illustrated by Jez Tuya  Albert Whitman and Company, 2016 .  $16.99  PICTURE BOOK Content: G.  

This is the true story of William Hoy a deaf boy who loved baseball.  When he was young he would practice throwing a baseball after his chores and homework were done.  When he went to the deaf school, the baseball team captain said he was too small, but he kept practicing.  One day when a baseball fell near him and he threw it back to the baseball team that was playing, the other players wanted him to join their team.  William progressed to the major leagues and overcame ridicule and rude people, eventually helping umpires to use hand signals for their calls.  Those hand signals are still used today.   

This is an interesting and not very well known story about a determined man who shaped baseball into the great sport it is today.  I loved the illustrations because they are attractive and help tell the story.  The story line moves along at a good pace and there are at most 3-4 sentences per page.  Great inspiring read. 

EL (K-3) – ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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