Payne, C.C The Thing About Leftovers, 281 pgs. Nancy Paulsen
Books, 2016 $16.99.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.
Fizzy (yes, Fizzy) Russo was having a great life. That was until her parents divorced. Then her life came apart. Fizzy’s parents both remarry to different
people and Fizzy feels, well, like a “leftover.” There are only a couple of things that can
keep her mind off of her sad life … her school, her aunt Liz, and cooking. That’s because Fizzy is an aspiring chef who
can cook almost anything. She is hoping
to win the Southern Living Cook-Off.
With her world spinning around more confused than ever, she has to do
everything she can to stay in the competition.
In competing, though, she finds that she has wonderful abilities and
that she really is not a “leftover.” You
will be cheering for Fizzy the entire time.
I really loved this book because the author told the story
in such way that I could feel like I was Fizzy.
I wanted to cry many times. I did
laugh a lot. This book was incredibly
touching. It was also a very
entertaining story. The Thing About
Leftovers will make you smile and realize you can do anything you set your mind
EL, MS - ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: ASJ
Thanks for this lovely, thoughtful review! XX