
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Saddest Toilet in the World by Sam Apple -NO

Apple, Sam The Saddest Toilet in the World Aladdin (Simon), 2016 $17.99.  PICTURE BOOK
A little boy likes to sit everywhere but the toilet. This makes the toilet very sad and one day he runs away. It was bad timing because the little boy was ready to sit on him. The family goes after him, and the toilet has a nice day around town. Will they be able to convince the toilet to come home? This book was just a tad creepy. Funny though, but in a disturbing way. The toilet has a face and talks, which is nightmare inducing enough for any fearful toddler (and myself as well). But the concept of going potty in a smiling mouth is just over the top, yet manages to top itself with the the toilet saying he  “has never felt so happy” after the boy goes potty. This book has to be a joke/spoof book. It cannot be seriously intended for toddlers. I think it might be a funny gift for parents going through a rough training period. Cute illustrations, but seriously!?
PRE-K  –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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