
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Return (Book #3) by Aaron Becker –ESSENTIAL

Becker, Aaron  Return (Book #3) Candlewick , 2016.  $15.99.  PICTURE BOOK

This is the third book in this wordless picture book series, Journey and Quest being the first two. In this book the little girl gets out her red chalk and draws a door in her room, setting off through it to the magical land she has visited before. Her dad, busy in another part of the house, ends up following her trough the doore, all the way to her friend the King and the little boy with the blue chalk. The journey goes awry when creatures come with a box than can destroy magical chalk creations.

I will admit I am a HUGE fan of the first two books, so I was naturally predisposed to adore this one. And I do. But even better was the message of this story, that parents should spend time with their kids. However this message will only get to those busy parents, if they happen to take the time to look at this book with their child. This series has been fantastic for library lesson’s on wordless books/using pictures to create stories, it has been as fun for young readers as upper grade readers.  

EL(K-3), EL  –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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