
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Presents Through the Window by Taro Gomi - OPTIONAL

Gomi, Taro  Presents Through the Window  Chronicle Books, 1983.  $15.99  Content: G.   

Santa is delivering presents on Christmas Eve and tries to match the perfect gift for each animal.  When he looks inside the window, sometimes he makes mistakes and doesn’t always match the present just right.  When the animals wake up in the morning they sort out the different presents so everyone is happy.    

There is only one sentence per page spread in this holiday mix-up of a book.  The illustrations are hard to tell what the animals are-especially the kitten, and I found it weird that a child had a balloon of his head so that Santa thought he was a twin.  The mix up was a fun idea, but the illustrations made it hard to tell what was going on.  

PRE-K – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson. 

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