
Monday, August 1, 2016

Night at the Stadium by Phil Bildner –OPTIONAL

Bildner, Phil Night at the Stadium Alladin, 2016.  $17.99.  PICTURE BOOK
A young boy goes with his family to a baseball game. He wants to get Derek Jeter’s autograph after the game, but loses his autograph books. He starts a wild adventure when he goes to search for it, and eventually changes his goal to just getting back to his family. He has a behind the scenes tour that takes on magical proportions.
The bright illustrations and large images are incredibly appealing, but the story itself gets kind of odd really quickly. While it stays baseball themed, from an adult perspective, I would say this boy was dosed with a hallucinogen. Of course, a student readers perspective might be different and thinks it is funny, but alas the story creeped me out.  I wanted more actual baseball. The ending was confusing as well, why did Derek Jeter have the boys autograph book and wait for him that long after the game was over. Just odd.

EL(K-3) –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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