
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ms. Cuddy is Nutty (My Weirdest School #2) by Dan Gutman -ADVISABLE

Gutman, Dan Ms. Cuddy is Nutty (My Weirdest School #2) Harper Collins, 2015 $4.99.  CHAPTER BOOK

The students of Ella Mentary have just been given a million dollar check from their elderly namesake, a women named Ella Mentary. There is a contest to decide on how to spend the money and AJ comes up with the winning idea. Now the school has a TV station and AJ gets to be the host, but he and his class must get creativity if they want to beat out a rival station.

Full of word play, puns, jokes, and silliness -books by this author are much requested by second and third grade readers. Reminds me of an updated Wayside school series. AJ is very matter of fact and the word play is often explained to him, so student readers can really learn a little something too. 

EL(K-3)  –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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