
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Underdogs by Sara Hammel - ESSENTIAL

Hammel, Sara The Underdogs, 310 pgs. Farrar Straus Giroux (Macmillan), 2016. $16.99. Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.  

When Annabel Harper’s dead body is found by the poolside of the local tennis club, a mixed breed dog named Chelsea and her best human friend Evie, a 12 year old, use their senses to sniff out the murderer and solve the mysterious case …. with, not to mention, the help of a professional detective.  But, the star of the book is Chelsea whose detective instincts are as powerful as her sense of smell.  Funny thing, at first you don’t realize it, but, the entire story is told by Chelsea, from her point of view.   This book will make you think, “Do dogs think like we do?”

The author’s choices of descriptive words made everything incredibly realistic. You really felt like you were on the chase and in the middle of the suspense.  This book was a great spin on the classic Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries. If you like those types of mystery stories and if you like dogs, you’ll love this book.

EL, MS - ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: ASJ.

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